Discuss Measurement and scaling. also discuss various types of measurement with suitable examples.

Dictionary meaning of Measurement is the act or process of measuring and /or an amount, extent, or size determined by measuring and/or a system of measures based on a particular standard.A method of determining quantity, capacity, or dimension. Several systemsof measurement exist, each one comprising units whose amounts havebeen arbitrarily set and agreed upon by specific groups. While the UnitedStates Customary System remains the most commonly used system ofmeasurement in the United States, the International System is acceptedall over the world as the standard system for use in science.

Nominal Level of Measurement

The nominal level of measurement is the lowest of the four ways to characterize data. Nominal means “in name only” and that should help to remember what this level is all about. Nominal data deals with names, categories, or labels.

Data at the nominal level is qualitative. Colors of eyes, yes or no responses to a survey, and favorite breakfast cereal all deal with the nominal level of measurement. Even some things with numbers associated with them, such as a number on the back of a football jersey, are nominal since it is used to “name” an individual player on the field.

Ordinal level of measurement

The next level is called the ordinal level of measurement. Data at this level can be ordered, but no diferences between the data can be taken that are meaningful.

Here you should think of things like a list of the top ten cities to live. The data, here ten cities, are ranked from one to ten, but differences between the cities don’t make much sense. There’s no way from looking at just the rankings to know how much better life is in city number 1 than city number 2.

 Interval level of measurement

The interval level of measurement deals with data that can be ordered, and in which differences between the data does make sense. Data at this level does not have a starting point.

The Fahrenheit and Celsius scales of temperatures are both examples of data at the interval level of measurement. You can talk about 30 degrees being 60 degrees less than 90 degrees, so differences do make sense. However 0 degrees (in both scales) cold as it may be does not represent the total absence of temperature.

Data at the interval level can be used in calculations. However, data at this level does lack one type of comparison. Even though 3 x 30 = 90, it is not correct to say that 90 degrees Celsius is three times as hot as 30 degrees Celsius.

Ratio Level of Measurement

The fourth and highest level of measurement is the ratio level. Data at the ratio level possess all of the features of the interval level, in addition to a zero value. Due to the presence of a zero, it now makes sense to compare the ratios of measurements. Phrases such as “four times” and “twice” are meaningful at the ratio level.

Distances, in any system of measurement give us data at the ratio level. A measurement such as 0 feet does make sense, as it represents no length. Furthermore 2 feet is twice as long as 1 foot. So ratios can be formed between the data.

At the ratio level of measurement, not only can sums and differences be calculated, but also ratios. One measurement can be divided by any nonzero measurement, and a meaningful number will result.

Show your accquintence with with the term variable and describe various types of variable.

In mathematics  variable is a symbol that represents a quantity in a mathematical expression, as used in many sciences. In research variable is a logical set of attributes. A variable is not only something that we measure, but also something that we can manipulate and something we can control for.

Dependent and Independent Variables

A variable that is dependent on an independent variable(s) is a dependent variable.Example: You are interested in how facebook affects social life in humans. Your independent variable would be the time people spend in facebook and the dependent variable would be the its affect in social life of humans.

An independent variable is the variable you have control over, what you can choose and manipulate. It is usually what you think will affect the dependent variable. In some cases, you may not be able to manipulate the independent variable. It may be something that is already there and is fixed, something you would like to evaluate with respect to how it affects something else, the dependent variable like color, kind, time.

Example: You are interested in how facebook  affects social life of humans. Your independent variable would be the time people spend in facebook and the dependent variable would be its affect on socialization.


One has to be very stupid enough to watch tv series , that was my assumption towards the people who watched tv series and bragged how cool the series and they can’t get enough of it. Well, i had to change my hypothesis,tv series can be fun. I recently started watching tv series, before couple of years i watched Heroes and Prison Break and left it half way, i could’t give my time to the thing that gets long and long and long.Even i left Breaking Bad when i completed season 3 . maybe i’ll watch it someday. You can’t get stuck in them, you got some serious things to do in life with your valuable time.


First when i knew about the show the only thing that urged me to watch the show was Matthew McConaughey, Whose introduction to me happened to couple of years ago and i loved his work and has been loving his work and will be i think. Woody Harrelson and Matthew McConaughey appear as  detectives Rust Cohle and Marty Hart . They both deliver their brilliant performance. Rust Cole () is an intelligent, dark, multi layered character. he doesn’t believe in god, doesn’t like to drink, is obsessed with the case he is working on and is anti-social.He doesn’t show much interest in ladies. seems like he is in a trauma since his daughter died and guilty that he couldn’t save his marriage. and Marty Hart is an angry and flawed  family man, has extra marital affairs,  and  a bit hypocrite. hypocrite, seeing his relationship with his family and espiecally his wife. He has this idea about himself that he can do whatever pleases him and the family must be under his thumb. the most interesting part is how these two distinctive characters bond up in time and solve the serial killing case. Michelle Monagham as maggie hart delivers an honest performance.  The acting from both Woody Harrelson and Matthew McConaughey is amazing and you’ll love to see the chemistry getting better between these two amazing actors.


After watching the pilot  episode i wanted to watch more, the mood and atmosphere of the the show is dark and haunting. Nic Pizzolato is the creator of the show. his writing is brilliant. Cary fukunaga directed all the eight episodes of season one of the series. his direction is perfect. sure he can handle the star cast. I previously watched his movie sin nombre(2009) and the movie too was brilliant. His storytelling style is simple . And the simple is best. Otherwise confusing story like this and you tell the story in a style that the audience can’t get, dude you are fucked! The series takes place in three time periods 1995,2002 and 2012/13. and its fun to watch characters evolve in these time period. The detective duo develops a chemistry which can be darkly funny to the viewers. That my friend is the   best part of the series.


And after all above the best part was the cinematography by Adam Arkapaw. there wasn’t any shaky and ” you should feel scary and thrilled” types of shot which you can find in every other thriller cinema. The wide shots and aerial shots were brilliant. He sure captured the feel of the series and succeeded to transfer that feel to the audience. Another best thing about the series was The Music from the T bone Burnett.  Haunting and soul-aching at times. The title track from The handsome Family was also awesome. I think I have to get the True detective OST. The production design was perfect to the mood of the series, the mirror, the apartment and other things. we sure should acknowledge the work of Alex DiGerlando.


There was this blah, blah about the portrayal of women on the series and this and that. Come’on guys its not about a girl who becomes the president of United States of America. or anything like that. Its about two detectives, one who loves to fuck women and another doesn’t. With all due respect, You may have a different perspective than mine but please don’t criticize a humble piece of work on such petty issues. well’ its a free country and world, we all have freedom of expression…you can say whatever you want. I  am not being prejudiced when writing this .  I  sincerely enjoyed the show and hate to listen to those things.

This series was the best thing i ever watched that was made for the tv. It will not waste the valuable  eight hours in our life. I THINK EVERYONE WHO LOVES DECENT CINEMA SHOULD WATCH THIS! you won’t regret it.



I never can tell anything a masterpiece, who i am to call anything a masterpiece and it’s hard for people to believe it isn’t it?  but, if there is anything close,it was Down by law. Down by law a down to earth, soul pleasing masterpiece. I had a collection of Jim Jarmusch’s films and wasn’t really interested in watching them.  I remember watching stranger than paradise couple of months before and coffee and cigarettes couple of weeks  before. now, this down by law i watched few days back and wasn’t so sure i am going to write anything about it. I have this feeling that such thing shouldn’t be written or discussed about, they should be savored, enjoyed over and over again. well i can be wrong!


Jim Jarmusch’s films have this certain charm, addictiveness with highly contrasting black and white colors and low life characters. Till now my introduction to Jarmusch’s films is that they are about coffees, cheap whiskey,boozing dudes, some cheerful or deeply depressing human beings. There is a charm and addiction in them , the more you get involved the more you’ll love them. People see Jarmusch  as the best post modern director but to me he’s an honest  film writer-director who has always stayed true to his art.


Tom WaitsJohn LurieRoberto Benigni star as Zack , Jack and Bob the italian.Zack , a radio DJ (Tom Waits) is caught up with a dead man in the trunk of the car he was driving, which he was driving from one part of the town to another  during one of his odd jobs. Jack ( John Lurie) is a pimp and having an okay time with his business. He is framed by his competeters in business for child molestation. and Bob The italian  (Roberto Benigni ) is locked up when he killed a man with the ball when he was found cheating in the card game . Now these three misfits are happend to be in a same cell in the jail.  Bob The italian  is the most cheerful character and always keeps the energy and sprit of other dudes up. In the prison they have nothing to do expect talk about themselves and play card games.  They break out of the prison and get lost in one of the wet land in Mississippi. The story is about how they end up in prison, and together break out and face similar harships finally getting on their own ways. The characters (Zack and Jack) are have problems with themselves, fear and ego. Thew struggle within oneself to hide the fear. On the other hand Bob the Italian drags them, boosts them with his controllable positive energy.


The story is character driven about human conditions and how people deal with it. Much of the time is give to develop the characters and for us get into their head. and to pull off the rather simple plot. Written and Directed by Jim Jarmusch, the movie is a fine piece of art. It sure needs a great vision to pull of something like this. Every little details are pulled off perfectly. The cinematography by Robby Müller was all right, not much stress on that. Some shots were worth remembering like suggestion of hooker when jack was counting money on the table, Bob dancing with his girlfriend and two dudes having breakfast, ending shot wher e jack and Zack take their own ways. Simple wide and close up shots yet capturing the true essence . Minimalist approach to tell the story,suited the mood of the film. The movie started with a tracking shot and a song was played. I don’t remember what it was was but it sure dwell ed long in my mind. Music by John Lurie was what suited the mood of the film and was sincere.

It is a slow paced and and needs a patience to really get caught by the movie. Not for you if you can’t get your head straight for three hours. If you love an honest, down to earth and common man’s cinema, this one is not to be missed.


Its been a long time since i watched something like this onscreen. If anyone would say that cohen brothers were somehow involved , you would believe it. I’ve been a big fan of thrillers and film noirs and this time in year i can without a doubt  that it was the best thing i watched in the particular genre.


Blue Ruin (2013) is an independent Suspense Crime/Thriller Movie written, directed and photographed by Jaremy Saulnier. Never heard of the man before. But surely he does an honest and amazing job. First of all the script is without any plot holes and the direction is superb. The beauty is the cinematography. Macro shots of spider webs, Remote controls in a table with shallow focus of tv screen, lighting of the fun fair, Man i can keep on talking. The thing is the first thing to tell is cinematography captures the feel of the movie. The first 20 minute of the movie is without dailouges but I was glued to my screen. The man surely knows what he is doing. The direction was tight and  i found that the editor has too done the good job. Music was also the another ingredient which was just right. I enjoyed the music too by Brooke Blair and Will Blair ,two of the songs were memorable, i’m sure going to get them if anywhere available. Every frame is enjoyable and every other scene builds the suspense. It will make you  make you laugh to your guts and can send a chill down the spine.


Dwight (Malcom Blair) is living a life of a tramp, eating from the dump , living in the car. He looks a really messed up guy. When he finds out that his parents murderer is released from the prison he embarks on a quest to take revenge. He is not a trained killer, a common man is on his way to take revenge without any plans and preparation. what you can expect next? a much of blood and  act of insanity from an insane and stupid character,driven by excess passion for revenge. on the process he meets his childhood friend , goes to visit his sisters and leading the killers of his parents to his sister’s residence. Malcom Blair as dwight is awesome and pulled of this difficult and quiet character. Supporting actors too have done their job honestly,Devin Ratray as Ben and Kevin Kolack as Teddy was Memorable.

There is a lot to talk about the movie but I am going to stop it here and suggest any movie freak not to miss this one. Its a gem indie flick among high budget Hollywood craps.  A tight bled of Dark Humor and Raw Revenge.

Memories of Murder (2003) : Investigation was never been so riotous!

I watched this movie couple of months before and i loved this movie. Again yesterday i watched it again with my friend niraj and we both were amazed by this movie. During  movie’s playtime we were sometime laughing till out stomach burst out by the absurdity of the characters presented  in the movie and were  enthralled by the plot of the movie.


Under the Military tyranny in 1986 in South Korea  one after another young women are found dead, raped ,tortured and  tied with their stockings and mouth covered with their  underwear. Detective Park Doo-Man and Detective Cho Yong-koo, two wicked and dim-witted local detectives without any technical knowledge, investigate the murder brutally  torturing the suspects, and with the help of fortune teller without getting any result. Detective Seo Tae-Yoon from Seoul comes to the village to help the investigations and is convinced that a serial-killer is killing the women one after another. Now they must find the killer as soon as possible to stop the future murders.


Director Joon-ho Bong directs this thriller drama with cold and dark tone. The tone (Cinematography) of the movie is lingering. The music haunting and the storytelling so  unique that after watching this movie anyone would be left with a strange feeling of displeasure. Actors did their honest work in their part. Kang-ho Song(Thirst, Joint Security Area) as Park Doo-Man was brilliant. I loved his work. His character was so well developed. His character believes in witchcraft, even belives that he can identify killer with his eyes. Height of Stupidity was portrayed with his character. but as the story develops you feel empathy for his character. Roe-ha Kim as Detective Cho Yong-koo was wonderful. I have seen his work in other Korean movies as supporting actor. in this particular movie he did his best. I liked his charecter the most. Dim-witted, aggressive and funny.Sang-kyung Kim as Detective Seo Tae-Yoon is an honest cop and believes documents never lie. His character was the most developed character. From ethical cop to mad men he did his work wonderfully.


Crime Investigation was never been so hilarious! Memories of Murder is the cold thriller with the blend of dark humor. If you are admirer of police investigation movies and loved Seven(1995) then  this movie is for you.  One most watch this movie for brilliant cinematography, wonderful background score and honest acting. Highly Recommended!

OLDBOY(2003) : Wonderfully Acted,Brtually Executed!

This is the first movie I watched from Korea that still I Can remember. I watched this movie two years ago and I was shocked by this movie. Again today just as I finished watching OLD BOY with my friend and i thought why don’t  I write something about it.

Dae-su is kidnapped and being imprisoned for 15 years without knowing why he is was kidnapped and imprisoned. On his release he must find who did this to him within five days and seek revenge. During this Process he goes through Bizarre of incidents meets a girl and makes even more enemies.


First of all OLDBOY is in my top five Movies list that I ever watched. Director and screenplay writer Park Chan-Wook directed this wonderful masterpiece with his own unique style. Story telling by Park Chan-Wook  is superb. OLDBOY among his Vengeance trilogy (Sympathy for Mr Vengeance, Sympathy for Lady Vengeance) is my personal favorite and remains a cult classic in world cinema.

When it comes to cinematography of the movie I was in love with camera work of this movie, Not as amazing as Sympathy for Lady Vengeance but I don’t have any complains about it. Acting and music were outstanding too.  Choi Min-Sik (Sympathy for lady vengeance,New World) as oh Dae-su   and Yu Ji-Tae as Woon-jin lee  delivered amazing performance. Choi Min-Sik is one of the best actor from korea and one of the finest actor in this world. He definitely deserves respect for his work. And I m glad that OLDBOY made him globally recognizable.


I felt like this Particular Movie should be watched by everyone so If you are a cinema lover and love little different cinema this is a must watch for you and you are going to explore more . Even if you’re not a movie lover I strongly recommend this movie to everyone. This Movie will leave you with a strange feeling at the end. Definitely a must see!

Miami Zombie

A scary bit of news is coming out of Miami this weekend after the city police shot a naked man found eating another man’s face. And several circumstances of the story have some people crying zombie.

The police were called in yesterday after the attacker was spotted on the MacArthur Causeway off ramp. When the attacker failed to back away at the officer’s request, the officer shot the attacker.

Now it’s one thing to eat another person, and it’s quite another to eat another person and then continue eating after you’ve been shot. Witnesses claim the officer fired half a dozen shots before the attacker finally stopped. The attacker was killed, and the victim is currently in the hospital.

This is obviously a great tragedy, one that’s left one man dead and another disfigured, and the police are theorizing cocaine psychosis rather than zombification as the cause of the attack. But residents of Miami can rest easy in the knowledge that the police are prepared to nip any zombie outbreaks in the bud.

म मर्न तयार छु

किन किन मलाई जिउन मन लाग्न छोड्यो? 
किन तपाईंले मेरो मृत्‍युको घोषणा गरिदिनु भयो?
म जस्तो थिए, खुशी थिए 
मेरो खुशीलाई एक्कासी किन चुडिदिनुभयो?
अब कसरी बाच्नु म 
एक एक दिन आफ्नो मृत्‍युको दिन गनेर बस्नु पर्छ 
हरेक दिन म मेरो मृत्‍युसँग एक दिनले समिप हुन्छु 
अब यी दुई वर्ष म कसरी बाच्नु 
बाचे पनि म मरेतुल्य नि रहनेछु 
तर मरेपछी म पहिला त्यस भाविसँग भेट्नेछु 
जसले मेरो भाग्यमा युवावस्थामै क्यान्सर लेखिदिएको थियो 
तर अब यी दुइ-तीन वर्ष मैले जिउनु पर्छ 
मृत्‍युले आफू आउने दिन नतोकेझै मान्नुपर्छ 
हो, म मर्न लागेको हैन 
म त बाँच्न लागेको हुँ 
एक एक पल बाच्छु 
एक एक सास जिउछु 
सास फेर्दै मृत्‍युलाई पर्खन्छु 
जसरी हामी सबै पर्खिरहेकै हुन्छौ 
तर.. तर.. म 
बाँच्न सक्दिन अब 
म मर्न तयार छु 
म मर्न तयार छु